Anterior to the posterior

example: IMPRESSION: A focus of low signal, in the left anterior epidural space at the L2-L3 level along the posterior aspect of the L3 vertebral body may represent a disc osteophyte or extruded disc material, and results in mass effect on the emerging left L3 nerve root.

possible rewrite: IMPRESSION: Inferiorly extruded L2/3 disc or osteophyte compresses the left L3 nerve root origin.

Editor remarks:  In the example sentence “A focus of low signal” is a finding and does not need to be repeated in the impression.  There are 5 prepositional phrases: in the, at the, along the, of the, on the. This a sure sign that a sentence can be written more clearly. Describing a finding as anterior to one reference point and posterior to a different reference in the same sentence is confusing. Something that has mass effect on the “emerging left L3 nerve root” has to be posterior to the L3 vertebral body. “Emerging nerve root” could be confusing. It could mean emerging from the theca or from the foramen. The reader if forced to interpret the meaning which slows comprehension.

The example sentence has 47 words and a 22.6  reading level. The edited version has 15 words, 13.1 reading level, and is less ambiguous.